In 2015, Beefbar settled in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong with a simple idea of dishing up dynamic, no-holds-barred prime steak amidst nice surroundings. It hasn't looked back. Flat iron, filet, rib-eye or bavette, they're all present and correct while Australian crossbred wagyu is tender as you like. Others, meanwhile, will opt for Japanese kobe in filet or burger form. Beef might be the raison d'etre but there are other excitements, too. If you're looking for meat, you might enjoy 200g of Japanese pork belly, T-bone Colorado lamb or Dutch veal filet. Guinea fowl ravioli in broth boasts terric flavour, toasted green tea risotto with red prawn is creamy and unctuous, while pan-fried sea bass demonstrates a lovely touch with the king of fish. Smart interiors make it a popular spot for working lunches.